Another lost Decade in Latin America?

Depending on how you do your math, another decade came to a close or is very close to coming to a close. That always brings about a flurry of analysis of the decade that has passed and regional analysis forms a part of that standard fare of decade roundups.

Many of the articles related to Latin America were focused on another “lost decade”, how ever one wants to interpret that – economic, cultural, political, strategic. The definition of “lost” is so broad that it starts to lose its significance. Also, to be lost means that at some point it must have been found. One could argue that Latin America has never really be found and has been moving from different levels of “lostness” to other levels of “lostness”.

Until then I will wait until I find some articles talking about all those “found” decades in Latin America, whatever that means.

Middle Class Problems

I would like to share this article, which does a fantastic job in covering many of the successes and failures that the last 10+ years of economic growth have brought Peru and in this case Lima, its sprawling capital.  The authors do an excellent job of highlighting many of the key issues facing the everyday citizen as well as the government and policy makers.  Well worth the read for anybody wanting to get a feel for the changes that have taken place in Peru over the last decade as well as the challenges that it currently faces.